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Greatly optimized & expanded

The new RapidClipse Hibernate tools radically simplify database development with JPA & Hibernate.

Finally error-free database import and entity class generation

Finally error-free data type mapping for all databases

JPA-SQL Query Editor - Write SQL, get JPA Criteria code

Fully automated Hibernate entity lifecycle management without Java EE

Database design fascinatingly simple

With the innovative entity editor, you can design your entire object / data model without having to bother with normalization and relations. The Java code with all Hibernate annotations is automatically generated correctly. You can then use the Hibernate export function to generate your entire database.


Entity editor


@DAO(daoClass = AutomakerDAO.class)

@Table(name = "Automaker")

public class Automaker {

  private int id;

  private String company;


  public Automaker() {





  @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)

  @Column(name = "id")

  public int getId() {




  public void setId(final int id) { = id;



  @Column(name = "company")

  public String getCompany() {




  public void setCompany(final String noname) { = noname;



Import wizard for existing databases

Via database metadata import you can generate your complete object model (entities and DAOs) that you need for database accesses with Hibernate. RapidClipse provides an intuitive wizard for the entire Hibernate import process.



Error-free data type mapping for all major databases

RapidClipse significantly improves the Hibernate import. All database data types are finally mapped completely and correctly to appropriate Java types with RapidClipse. You no longer have to deal with countless Hibernate annotations and manual code adjustments.


Automated generation of Java code based on the JPA Criteria API

If you formulate queries as SQL string, you have to accept many disadvantages, e.g. not type safe, no refactoring or any other IDE support, non-debuggable, database-specific. However, alternative Java APIs are too complicated for many developers.

With JPA-SQL you are now able to wirte your queries in SQL as you are used to. RapidClipse then generates Javacode based on the JPA Criteria API automatically. Thus JPA-SQL combines the simplicity of SQL with the numerous advantages of the powerful JPA Criteria API, e.g. type safe, fully IDE support, debuggable and database independence.

* from  Customer

public List<Customer> findAllCustomer() {
   EntityManager entityManager = em();


   CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();

   CriteriaQuery<Customer> criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(Customer.class);

   Root<Customer> root = criteriaQuery.from(Customer.class);

   TypedQuery<Customer> query = entityManager.createQuery(criteriaQuery);
   return query.getResultList();

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RapidClipse is royalty-free, the entire framework is open source. Create a free account to download RapidClipse for your system. Your account gives you access to the latest updates and, in the future, to videos and webinars.
