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How to REST Services within a RapidClipse project

This demo project shows how to configure a RapidClipse project to use webservices.


See the following detailed information:
  • Send a simple string to the application itself by a get request
  • Send the same string but with authentication
  • Send the ID of a customer and get the whole entity


Get the project running
  1. Clone the GIT reporsitory or use the import function of RapiClipse
  2. File → Import → RapidClipse → Demo Projects → "rapidclipse-demo-webservices"
  3. Maybe do some Maven updates to remove project errors
  4. The project needs the H2Northwind database. The entities in the project should be syncronized with the database.
  5. Add the following line of code to your tomcat-user.xml in your workspace/server/tomcat... <user username="admin" password="admin" roles="restconsumer"/>
  6. Start the project


Use the RapidClipse Import:
File → Import → RapidClipse → Demo Projects → rapidclipse-demo-webservices

You can find the article in the demo project directly on GitHub.
Have fun with this example – the next demo project will be following soon.